
Press material

Photos, videos, logos, images and newsletters of the Show.


Press photos copyright

The press photos only can be used with publishing purposes. The copyright, as well as the right to use and exploit the press photos, belong to Messe Frankfurt Argentina and/or to those who have provided them. Press photos that are used, changed, reproduced and/or electronically modified should be identified with the following origin reference: 'Messe Frankfurt Argentina / photographer's name' or 'Entity name / photographer's name'. The copying and publishing are free of charge. You should get prior written approval of Messe Frankfurt Argentina or the person concerned if the press photos will be used with commercial purposes.

Video 2023

Watch the video of the last Salón Moto edition. A brief view for you to have an idea of what the exhibition will offer.

Download logos and image

Press contact

Should you have any query, do not hesitate to contact the Press and Digital Communication Team.
If you prefer, send them an email to:

Ignacio Pérez

Digital Communication and Press Analyst

Ignacio Pérez

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